Sunday, February 28, 2010

My website!

I made a website! Trinity created one for free- and my mom showed me how to get to it, and I'm done! My website address is: please click on this link!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cute Buggie's

Me, Cassidi, samantha, and our mom all made cute little buggie's! It's cool because samantha made a Caterpillar, I made an ant, mom made a bumble bee, and cassidi made dragonflies. I made my ant with blue leggies, blue and green antennas, green and dark greens body segments and a lot of other creativity was put into our projects. Pop made the legs for me- then we got to do all the fun stuff! Accept for poor mom, pop was down stairs so she spent 20 minutes try'n to make legs... Well I hope you like my buggy bye.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Opal Deception

You know how on an earlier post I talked about a book titled: The supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer? Well I got that book from a $1:oo book store at a mall. Well we went there again yesterday and I got another great book also by Eoin Colfer. It's titled: The Oplal Deception by Eoin Colfer. My sister Cassidi- also got a book by Eoin Colfer- It's titled: The wish List. I've been begging her to let me read it when she's done reading it. I wanna read the whole series. The series of the books I've been reading all from Eoin Colfer- A really great author, my Favorite author, is titled: The Artemis Fowl series. Here's the whole series: Artemis Fowl; Artemis Fowl:The Arctic Incident; Artemis Fowl:The Eternity Code; The supernaturalist; The wish list; And the legend of spud. Those are the Artemis fowl series.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My awesome B-day!

My awesome B-day is coming up, I'm sooo exided! For my b-day, I'd like alot of science stuff. I wana be an ecoligist whenI grow up. I'll have to get my batchular degreee though...That shouldn't be that hard though...So I'm hoping at least. I'd like a telescope; a microscope; some slides for the microscope; some bug catching materieals such as a bug net; some small fist sized jars;or some other bug catching and science items I'd probably like.

Monday, February 1, 2010


It's 2010 which is awesome!Which means if I live to be 100 years old, I will be famous because I'll be the first man to live through 3 centuries of life.I was born 1999, which means I would have lived in the 1990's,2000's and the 2100's. I'll live to be a hundred and be famous if it means I live to be famous only one day. As long as I live to be 100 years old. It's only 90 years away,if I live that long.(= . It will be awesome! But there's one thing though I don't like. Every one @ school is saying that the world will end in 2012. I don't think it will. Just because the calender ends, doesn't mean the world will end that moment on the calender. First off, they can't make the calender go on forever.Secondly, the Indians who made the calender- well gee I don't know, have to die eventually! And 3rd, I don't think that they can make the calender go on if they're dead.